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來源:Hellokid在線英語2020-05-11 19:44:34


這種方法適用于教師在呈現完單詞后進行操練單詞時(也就是在自然跟讀教學法之后),它聘用的是升降調反復使用的形式。它的靈感來源于樂隊的指揮,因此,它在教學時老師還可加上手勢來輔助教學,利用手勢的高低來控制學生的升降調。如:sometimes up(手由胸前高舉過頭),sometimes down(手由頭上降到胸前),還可交替使用,如:sometimes up,sometimes up,sometimes down,sometimes down,sometimes down,sometimes up,sometimes up,sometimes down。在運用時,教師可以使用由慢到快,由簡單的變化到復雜的變化的方法,不斷地提升難度,也在無意中不斷地運用和鞏固新學的單詞。還可以讓學生來挑戰(zhàn),比如,讓一個學生到講臺來自己邊比邊說,也可以讓他像指揮家一樣,由他來指揮,其他學生跟讀,還可以讓他來考考老師,看看能不能利用他的智慧難倒老師。這樣給學生一個充分展示自我的空間,讓學生在無意識記中學習單詞,本論文由hellokid英語網xlgrz.com整理提供


Two, jump reading teaching method

This method is suitable for teachers to practice in the end word after word (that is, in the natural reading teaching method after it is used), the repeated use of the form. It is inspired by the conductor of the band, so when it comes to teaching, the teacher can also add gestures to help the teaching, and use the gesture to control the students' movements. Such as: sometimes up (hand by chest gaojuguotou), sometimes down (hand head on down to the chest), also can be used interchangeably, such as: sometimes up, sometimes up, sometimes down, sometimes down, sometimes down, sometimes up, sometimes up, sometimes down. In use, teachers can use the "slow to fast", from sim changes to comx changes in the way, and constantly raise the difficulty, but also inadvertently continue to use and consolidate the new words. Can also allow students to challenge, for exam, let a student to the podium to his side than said, also can let him like a conductor, by his command, the other students read, you can also let him to test the teacher, see if you can beat the teacher using his wisdom. This gives students a full display of self space, let the students in vocabulary memorizing intention, this paper provided by hellokid English network xlgrz.com finishing
Remember the pronunciation of the words. This method can attract the attention of students, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of students, training students' ability of quick reaction, but this method is very easy because of the individual student's emotional outbursts, make the classroom deviated from its normal orbit, so also can check.
這種方法與第二種有著相同之處,區(qū)別在于,第二種方法在其始時一般要借助于實物——一根牛筋來完成,到學生掌握了這種方法后就可用手勢來代替。在操作時,老師手上拿著一根牛筋,雙手以相反的方向從中間到兩邊,而后再從兩邊到中間有彈性地、慢慢地拉、縮,老師邊拉邊讀,學生邊看著老師邊讀單詞,何時停要看老師何時擊掌。如:老師做手勢指向左指向右,學生讀sometimes left  sometimes right sometimes ...,老師做手勢指向右指向左,學生讀sometimes right sometimes left sometimes ...,老師擊掌,學生停止讀單詞。在讀的時候,學生可以根據自己的習慣,用降調或者用升調來讀。這種方法可以變單調的機械操練為有趣的單詞游戲,變無意識記為有意識記,讓學生在輕松愉快的氣氛中學習新單詞,學會新知識,但要是長時間使用也會使學生疲勞,因此也要適時而行。  
Three, the elastic tape teaching method
This method has same place, and the second difference is that the second methods in the beginning generally with objects -- a tendon to comte, the students to master this method after available gesture instead. In operation, the teacher holding a tendon, hands in the opposite direction from the middle to both sides, and then elastic from both sides to the middle ground, slowly pull, shrinkage, the teacher read it, students watching the teacher read the words when you stop to see the teacher when clap. Such as: the teacher gestured to the left to the right, sometimes left sometimes right sometimes students, the teacher... Gesture pointing right pointing left, right sometimes left read sometimes sometimes..., the teacher clap, students read the words. In reading, students can according to their own habits, or to read with falling tone with a rising tone. This method can change the mechanical drills monotonous fun word games, change the unconscious mind to the conscious mind, let the students learn the new words in a relaxed atmosphere, learn new knowledge, but if used for a long time will make students tired, so it must be timely.









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